Friday, October 10, 2014

BNO Megalops

Made another trip to BNO with Teng Wei, FCK and Kevin. We left town for BNO at 4.30 in the morning hoping for a satisfying early start early finish..

The weather was cloudy and it started to drizzle when we reached BNO...
The fish was kinda active but don't really take the bait..

I started off with my figerglass UL spinning setup. Caught a few..

We moved on to another spot after they did not land anything eventhough there were a few strikes.
I changed my UL spinning setup to fly at the new spot. We can see groups of tarpons on feeding frenzy at this new spot and a few cast, we begin to land the tarpons.
Another friend, Aji joined us at the new spot. He was casting his 7wt fly rod and landed a few on gurgler.
First timers to BNO, Teng Wei was having fun...

Another hook up...

FCK with his catch..

Soft plastic..

Kevin caught one but unfortunately no photo.

I was using damsel on fly and the hit rate was high. Never misses when I casted into the frenzy bunch..

It got really windy by noon and the sky turned gloomy.  We decided to called a day and left for lunch before it rained.

It was another fun thrilling fishing trip on UL spinning and light wt fly rod setups...

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